Stores in Pharmacy

Pharmacy is known to every one of us, however, it is possible that we know it by other names like a medical store, chemist, etc.
The pharmaceutical industry is a growing industry and it is expected that in the year 2021-22 the pharmaceutical industry can grow with a growth rate of 9 to 11 per cent.
There are different types of companies comes under the pharmaceutical industry, the main types are: -

Mainline: -
These companies mainly focus on the research and development of drugs that can cure the diseases which are arising day by day and their cure is not available right now.

AI Manufacturers: -
These companies manufacture important raw materials that are needed to manufacture the medical drugs, and apart from that these companies can also make serums, vaccines, etc.

Mainline: -
The mainline companies have a number of medicines selling in the market with their names on them. These companies have large manufacturing plants and they have researchers in the number of thousands working for them.

Generic: -
Generic medicine companies believe in the mass production of medicines and they don't focus much on research and development. They focus on giving medicines at lower prices and they are able to do that by mass production and bringing back the patent expired medicines.

We can need medicine at any hour of the day and when we have no idea where to get the medicines then we have to search on google and search for the terms like "pharmacy near me", "apollo pharmacy near me", etc.

Our users were also facing the same problem so we came up with a solution. We have added trusted chemists and other pharma companies on our Fayda platform that sells genuine medicines.

So now our users are able to see which is the trusted pharmacy nearest to them on our Fayda app and they don't need to waste time searching "pharmacy near me", "apollo pharmacy near me" terms on google.
Our users also get crypto coins as a reward while shopping and they earn from the app. The crypto coins are named Fayda coins that they can use to avail of discounts on their next shopping.

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