Sucral Ano Cream

Sucral Ano Cream

₹120 / ₹120
Sucral Ano Cream

Salt- Lidocaine (4% w/w) + Metronidazole (1% w/w) + Sucralfate (7% w/w),

Manufacturer- Strassenburg Pharmaceuticals.Ltd

Prescription- Prescription Required

Type of Sell- 20 gm in 1 tube

Uses-Treatment of Anal fissure,

How to Use- This medicine is for external use only. Use it in the dose and duration as advised by your doctor.

Side Effects- Burning sensation,Tingling,Rash,

Alternate Medicines- Sucross Ano Cream,Anosum Cream,Softee Cream,Ano Metrogyl Cream,Pileclear S Cream,

Chemical Class- Not Listed

Habit Forming- No

Therapeutic Class- CARDIAC

Action Class Not Listed